Choice Reading is a platform, a structure in the day (separate from Reading Workshop) that centers on empowering children to self-select books of high-interest to them on their developmental level.  The focus is to capitalize on their passion for learning, expanding language and an awareness of the world, primarily through pictures. 

Choice Reading happens the first 20 minutes of the day.  After greeting each child with a hug, and a ‘Good Morning!’, children settle in with a great book.  They can read by themselves or with partners from a variety of texts — ABC, song, pattern, rhyme, wordless, read alouds I have read, and a multitude of non-fiction magazines and non-fiction books.   I’m busy conferring with children, drawing out what they know, don’t know, what they’re wondering, developing language, content knowledge, and connecting concepts together. 

As the year progresses the emphasis on reading non-fiction texts is at the forefront, highlighting more opportunities to build background knowledge and vocabulary.

This time of the day opens children’s eyes to the world and develops their sense of wonder and discovery.  By providing authentic reading opportunities, teachers see their students in a new light–strengths, interests that were not apparent in other contexts.  Children are at the helm of their learning engaging with texts that peak their interest, instilling a love of learning and self-empowerment.  They are alive, active learners! (See New Structures that Draw out Wonder Discover Feel).

©2024 Wonder Discover Feel Educational Consulting LLC


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